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Organizational Psychology

On May 20, 2024, students displayed their final year project of Organizational psychology at FUSST. This final Year project display showcases the application of organizational psychology principles to improve employee engagement and well-being within an organizational setting. In these projects, students had to organize a workshop in different organizations such as, hospitals, Banks, schools etc. The project aimed to investigate the effectiveness of different
psychological interventions to reduce stress at workplace.

External Evaluation of Self-Assessment Report (SAR) of Second Assessment Cycle of BS Tourism & Hospitality - Foundation University School of Science & Technology (FUSST)

Department of Quality Assurance (DQA) at Foundation University Islamabad has conducted Second external Self-Assessment Report (SAR) review of BS Tourism & Hospitality at Foundation University School of Science & Technology (FUSST) on (Tuesday) 14th May, 2024. For this purpose, Assistant Professor Dr.

External Evaluation of the 3rd Cycle of SAR Review of programs of Department of Arts & Media, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences - FUSST

Department of Quality Assurance (DQA) at Foundation University Islamabad has conducted the third external Self-Assessment Report (SARs) review of the Bachelor of Computer Arts, BS in Media & Communication and MS Media Science programs of Department of Arts & Media of Foundation University School of Science & Technology (FUSST) on (Monday) 20th May 2024. For this purpose,

Workshop on healing through arts

On 23 April 2024, Character building society organized a session of Art Therapy at seminar hall of Foundation University School of Science and Technology (FUSST). The program started with the recitation of Holy Quran and after that Ms. Humaira Tufail, Lecturer, Department of Psychology, NUML started the session with the introduction of Art therapy. After detail discussion on the topic the facilitators provided the students with paints, canvases and paint brushes to provide a hands-on experience to the students.

Open House by the Department of Psychology

Open House by the Department of Psychology was held on May 7, 2024. It provided an enriching experience for attendees to delve deeper into the realm of psychology. Five booths of different organizations were set up. The organizations comprised of; ANF (Anti-Narcotics Force, Speech Therapy Club (STCICLD), Mind Wellness Clinic, Soul Psyche, Mind Matter Institution. These organizational booths were set up for the walk-in interviews of students (BS-8, MS3 and MS4) to facilitate job possibilities. 150 students were interviewed in total.

2nd International Conference on Media and Communication 2024

The 2nd International Conference on Media and Communication Studies 2024, held on 7 May 2024 at Foundation University Islamabad by the Department of Arts and Media under the supervision of HoD Dr Hina Shahid. Rector Foundation University Islamabad, Maj Gen Muhammad Kaleem Asif HI (M) (Retd) was the Chief Guest of the ceremony. Key Note speaker Senator Mushahid Hussain Syed and Guest of Honor, Ambassador of the Republic of Tajikistan in Pakistan, His Excellency Mr.

External Evaluation of the 3rd Cycle of SAR Review of programs of Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences - FUSST

Department of Quality Assurance (DQA) at Foundation University Islamabad has conducted the third external Self-Assessment Report (SARs) review of the BS, MS and PhD programs of Department of Psychology of Foundation University School of Science & Technology (FUSST) on (Friday) 10th May 2024. For this purpose, Prof Dr. Shazia Yusuf, HoD, Bahria University Islamabad, Dr. Nazia Iqbal, Chairperson, International Islamic University Islamabad were invited as external subject experts.

External Evaluation of the 3rd Cycle of SAR Review of programs of Department of English, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences - FUSST

epartment of Quality Assurance (DQA) at Foundation University Islamabad has conducted the third external Self-Assessment Report (SARs) review of the BS, MS and PhD programs of Department of English of Foundation University School of Science & Technology (FUSST) on (Tuesday) 23rd April, 2024. For this purpose, Dr.

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