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Quality Assurance


The establishment of "Quality Enhancement Cells" is one of the many initiatives taken by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) to improve the quality and standard of higher education in Pakistan. The QECs are established in the Private and Public Sector Universities and Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) of Pakistan and they are working under the guidance of HEC. The Foundation University Islamabad (FUI) in pursuit of its vision and per the HEC guidelines, established its Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) in 2017 which was renamed as “The Department of Quality Assurance (DQA)” in 2019. DQA is playing a pivotal role in implementing the Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) mechanisms of Higher Education Commission (HEC) in FUI. These IQA mechanisms includes self-assessment process of undergraduate programmes, and programme reviews of postgraduate and doctoral programmes. In addition, DQA works in coordination with accreditation councils (PMC, PNC, PEC, NBEAC, NCEAC, NTC) to streamline the process of programme level accreditation. The DQA also conducts Institutional Performance Evaluation (Self-IPE) to evaluate the performance effectiveness of FUI based on 11 Quality Standards defined in IPE Manual of HEC. The standards outline major areas that higher education institutions need to focus on to secure recognition for its good governance and imparting quality education to students. DQA is looking after Pakistan Qualification Register, Pakistan Citizen Portal and continuous implementation of feedback mechanism. DQA also regularly conduct different surveys to obtain stakeholders feedback in order to strengthen the internal quality assurance mechanism (IQA) and also to improve the quality standards of teaching, research, infrastructure facilities, FUI processes etc.




Department of Quality Assurance aspires to make FUI a leading quality conscious university.


To strive for assurance and enhancement of quality in:
Academic Programs: By continuous revision of existing programs consistent with international standards, demands of the market and developing new market oriented programs
Research: By innovative community/industry/commercial focused projects
Academics and Administrative Processes: By adhering to the prescribed standards
Faculty and Staff: By instilling quality consciousness and imparting requisite knowledge, skills and professional ethics.




  • To ensure academic affiliations with Regulatory Bodies and Institutions to strengthen the quality of education.

  • To improve and maintain Academic Standards.

  • To spread awareness about Quality of Higher Education among Faculty, Students and QA Staff.

  • To ensure Participation of University in National/International Rankings.

  • To ensure effective feedback system for students and faculty.

  • To promote collaboration with National and International Institutions.


  • Promoting public confidence that the quality and standards of the award of degrees are enhanced and safeguarded.
  • Reviewing quality standards and the quality of teaching and learning in each subject area.
  • Reviewing academic affiliations with other institutions in terms of effective management of standards and quality of programs.
  • Defining clear and explicit standards as points of reference to the reviews to be carried out. It should also help the employees to know as to what they could expect from candidates.
  • Developing qualifications framework by setting out the attributes and abilities that can be expected from the holder of a qualification, i.e. Bachelors, Bachelor with Honors, Master’s, M. Phil., and Doctoral.
  • Developing program specifications. These are standard set of information clarifying what knowledge, understanding, skills and other attributes a student will have developed on successfully completing a specific program.
  • Developing program specifications. Developing quality assurance processes and methods of evaluation to affirm that the quality of provision and the standard of awards are being maintained and to foster curriculum, subject and staff development, together with research and other scholarly activities.
  • Ensuring that the university’s quality assurance procedures are designed to fit in with the arrangements in place nationally for maintaining and improving the quality of Higher Education.
  • Developing procedures for the following:
    • Approval of new programs
    • Annual monitoring and evaluation including program monitoring, faculty monitoring, and student’s perception.
    • Departmental review
    • Student feedback
    • Employer feedback
    • Quality assurance of Master’s, M. Phil. And Ph. D. degree programs.
    • Subject review
    • Institutional assessment
    • Program specifications
    • Qualification framework



Ms. Asmat Parveen

Director DQA

Director DQA

Mr. Amir Sajjad Khan

Manager Accreditation & CollaborationI


Manager Accreditation
& Collaboration

Mr. Omer Shahzad

Manager Ranking and Evaluation


Manager Ranking and

Ms Noor Ul Haya

Manager Academic Assessment


Manager Academic

Mr. Afaq Javed

Office Assistant


Office Assistant

Mr Kashif Ullah Khan

Office Assistant


Office Assistant