Financial Assistance Program means financial to provide assistance to deserving and underprivileged students. The available amount is given to the deserving students after detailed scrutiny of the documents by the Financial Assistance Committees (FACs) of FUI Campuses. Financial Assistance is initially granted for one academic year/semester and is revised at the end of the academic year/semester. Progress of the student is regularly monitored.
Financial Assistance (FA)
This policy encompasses:-
Semester System - FUSST, FUCP
Annual System - MBBS, FUCD
Eligibility: A student is eligible for Financial Assistance if he/she:
Is a registered student of FUI or has been accepted for admission in any FUI Campuses.
Should have a minimum CGPA, equal to or more than 2.5 out of 4.00 in case of semester system, or 50% marks in case of Annual system, to become eligible to apply for FAP.
Shall not be a grave discipline offender.
Has not failed in any subject/course in the current semester/year.
Is not drawing any financial benefit from any other source equivalent to 50% of the tuition fee for that semester/year. If a student is drawing financial benefit from any other source he/she will not be eligible for Financial Assistance of more than 25% of the tuition fee.
Is maintaining CGPA 2.50. Financial Assistance (FA) will not be granted if CGPA drops below 2.50 out of 4.00 in the semester system or less than 50% marks in case of an Annual system.
Sudents will not automatically become eligible for Financial Assistance (FA) in case of the death of Father/Guardian. All the cases of of Financial Assistance (FAP) will be considered on merit basis.
In no case, a student is to be given any cash payment, unless those who have already graduated and have cleared their dues. The transaction will be made by FUI Campus.
FACs can recommend Financial Assistance up to 50% of the tuition fee in special cases if deemed necessary.
Financial Assistance will only be granted to undergraduate students.