workshop on “Developing a Vibrant Research Culture”
Prof. Dr. Qaisar Malik, HoD BA FMS, Dr. Sajjad Hussain, FUI’s Focal Person for NBEAC and Mr. Asif Javed, Manager Research Management ORIC (Foundation University Islamabad - FUI) participated in a 2-day onsite training workshop on “Developing a Vibrant Research Culture” held on 24th-25th of May 2022 at University of Swat, Swat, organized by Training and Development Wing (TDW) of National Business Education Accreditation Council - HEC, Higher Education Commission, Pakistan.
Around 40x faculty members and officials from several universities of all provinces of the country, attended the subject training program. The resource persons were Prof. Dr. Jawad Syed from LUMS and Dr. Waheed Umrani from IBA Karachi.
The objectives of the training included; understanding the role of research in the current era, integrating research with teaching and meeting NBEAC standards for accreditation in particular and drafting research policy, promotion of research culture at universities and professional networking in general.
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