Self-Institutional Performance Evaluation (IPE) - 2022
The Department of Quality Assurance (DQA) aims to ensure the Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) mechanism in a true letter and spirit. For said purpose, the Self-Institutional Performance Evaluation (IPE) of Foundation University Islamabad was conducted by DQA on June 17, 20 & 21, 2022. The objective of the IPE is to evaluate the performance effectiveness of the university based on 11 Quality Standards defined in IPE Manual of HEC. The standards outline major areas that higher education institutions need to focus on in order to secure recognition for their good governance and impart quality education to students.
Air Cdre Ahmad Hassan, Director Quality at Air University Islamabad was invited as an External Reviewer and Internal reviewer including Maj. Gen. Tasawar Hussain, Associate Dean Clinical (FUMC), Prof. Dr. Fazal Rahim, Dean - Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences - FUSST, Dr. Shariq Hussain, HoD Software Engineering - FUSST, Dr. Ahsan Malik, HOD Dental Medical Education and Research - FUCD&H and Dr. Wardah Qazi, HOD undergraduate - FUCP. The DQA facilitated the review panel in coordination with all the academic and administrative departments of FUI.
The first day of the review process commenced with a brief introduction of the Self-IPE processes and a presentation on the Compliance Report of IPE 2019-20 by the Director Quality Assurance. Afterwards, the University Portfolio Report (UPR) along with evidence of responses to questions listed under the 11 Quality Standards was thoroughly reviewed by the IPE panel.
The second day of the Self-IPE was dedicated for meetings of the review panel with the respective Directors of Schools, Academic and Administrative Heads and Faculty to examine the quality of processes at the University. The panel also conducted an interactive session with the students of both schools and also visited the library, classrooms and laboratories to observe the available facilities. The panel appreciated the efforts of Foundation University in maintaining and enhancing the culture of quality. The Exit meeting was chaired by the Rector FUI, the Self-IPE panel members shared their recommendations for further improvements in the governance, infrastructure, teaching & learning process of the University.
The third day of the IPE was utilized for the preparation and completion of the reports by the panel members and they shared their recommendations with DQA for preparation of compliance report.
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