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Foreign Collaborations

The Collaboration section serves as an embodiment of dynamism and foresight within the International Office at FUI, wholeheartedly acknowledging the profound significance of establishing fruitful alliances with both local and international academic institutions and organizations. With unwavering dedication, this office has succeeded in fostering an extensive network of partnerships encompassing a diverse range of domestic and foreign universities. The overarching purpose that drives these collaborations is to reinforce and elevate FUI's research and academic pursuits by nurturing robust relationships with esteemed faculty members from partner institutions, facilitated through the formalization of Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs). These invaluable linkages have not only broadened the horizons of FUI's faculty, researchers, and students but have also been instrumental in aligning with the institution's broader Internationalization Strategy. By harnessing the expertise and resources made available by their counterparts, FUI's stakeholders have gained unparalleled opportunities for knowledge exchange, interdisciplinary cooperation, and holistic growth, ultimately empowering them to thrive in an increasingly interconnected global landscape.

Foreign Universities/Organization

  • HiTiT University, Turkiye
  • University of Salford, UK
  • Istanbul Kültür University (IKU), Turkiye
  • Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysia
  • Profound Vision, Japan
  • UCSI University Kuching Campus, Malaysia
  • Western Sydney University, Australia
  • Azerbaijan Technical University (AzTU), Azerbaijan
  • Oklahoma Heart Hospital (OHH), USA
  • Inonu University, Turkiye
  • Marmara University, Turkiye
  • Yeditepe University, Turkiye
  • University of Barcelona, Spain
  • Skyline University Nigeria (SUN), Kano State – Nigeria
  • Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, I.R. Iran
  • Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University, Kazakhstan
  • Jiangsu University, China
  • Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Belarus
  • Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia
  • Naresuan University, Thailand 
  • Bournemouth University, UK
  • Istanbul Aydin University, Turkiye
  • Beijing University of Technology, China
  • University of Hasselt , Belgium
  • University of Bedfordshire, UK
     HiTiT University, Turkiye
  MoU Signed: August 1, 2024
  Scope of Collaboration
  • Exchange of students
  • Exchange of research and teaching staff
  • Implementation of joint research
  • Exchange of technical information, materials, and publications
  • Participation in workshops and training courses in each other's laboratories

     The University of South Florida (USF), USA
  MoU Signed: April 23, 2024
  Scope of Collaboration
  • Joint educational and research activities for UN Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Visiting scholar exchanges for research
  • Student exchanges for collaborative research.
  • Exchange of scholarly information and potential joint projects.
  • Invitations to scholarly meetings and conferences.

     University of Salford, UK
  MoU Signed: Jan 5, 2024
  Scope of Collaboration
  • Joint teaching and training programs
  • Exchange of staff for research, teaching and joint publication
  • Exchange of information, library materials, and research publications
  • Development of students progression pathways
  • Joint applications to research funding
  • Joint supervision of undergraduate and graduate students

     Istanbul Kültür University, Turkiye
  MoU Signed: Dec 18, 2023
  Scope of Collaboration
  • Exchange of students, academic, scientific and administrative staff,
  • Cooperation in science and research,
  • Exchange of academic materials, publications and other scientific information,
  • Other educational, scientific and academic co-operation of mutual interest.

     Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysia
  MoU Signed: August 1, 2023
  Scope of Collaboration
  • Exchange Program for Student and Faculty Members
  • Joint Research, Seminars and Training Workshop

profound     Profound Vision, Japan
  MoU Signed: June 19, 2023
  Scope of Collaboration
  • Japanese Language Courses
  • Student Exchange Program
  • Internship Opportunity
  • Seminars and other Fairs

     UCSI University Kuching Campus, Malaysia
  MoU Signed: June 13, 2023
  Scope of Collaboration
  • Student Exchange
  • Exchange of Academic and Research Staff
  • Joint Research and Match Funding

     Western Sydney University, Australia
  MoU Signed: June 13, 2023
  Scope of Collaboration
  • Collaborative research projects
  • Joint activities such as conferences, seminars, symposia and lectures
  • Joint publications and other scholarly activities
  • Joint academic programs and joint curricula
  • Opportunities for academic staff and student mobility

     Azerbaijan Technical University (AzTU), Azerbaijan
  MoU Signed: May 05, 2023
  Scope of Collaboration
  • Faculty and Students Exchange
  • Seminars, Workshops, Webinars and Conferences
  • Resource Sharing
  • Joint Research Projects, Publications and Grants

     Oklahoma Heart Hospital (OHH), USA
  MoU Signed: March 08, 2023
  Scope of Collaboration
  • Clinical Residency
  • Seminars, Workshops and Conferences
  • Conducting Lectures and Collaborative Research Projects,Joint Research Project
  • Resource Sharing

inonu     Inonu University, Turkiye
  MoU Signed: March 17, 2023
  Scope of Collaboration
  • Exchange Of Students, Academic and Administrative Staff
  • Promoting Cooperation in the Field of Student Placements and Thesis Research
  • Conducting Lectures and Collaborative Research Projects,
  • Organizing Social, Cultural and Scientific Meetings Such as Symposium, Congress, Conferences,

marmara     Marmara University, Turkiye
  MoU Signed: March 25, 2022
  Scope of Collaboration
  • Exchange of faculty and administrative staff
  • Exchange of graduate and undergraduate students
  • Conducting collaborative research projects
  • Conducting lectures and organizing symposia
  • Promoting collaboration in fields of mutual interest
  • Promoting other academic co-operation as mutually agreed

barcelona     Yeditepe University, Turkiye
  MoU Signed: March 04, 2022
  Scope of Collaboration
  • Exchange of academic information and materials
  • Promoting other academic cooperation as mutually agreed
  • Exchange of faculty, researchers, and other research administrative staff
  • Exchange of students: graduate and undergraduate to be specified in separate negotiated agreements
  • Conducting collaborative projects and research collaboration
  • Conducting lectures and organizing symposia

barcelona     University of Barcelona, Spain
  Framework Cooperation Agreement: Dec 20, 2021
  Scope of Collaboration
  • Exchange of teaching staff, researchers and students for stipulated periods.
  • Exchange of research materials, scientific and academic documentation and other publications
  • Organization of specific periods of training for students, teaching staff and/or researchers.
  • Participation in talks, seminars, conferences, exhibitions and other activities organized by either of the parties.
  • Joint organization of third-cycle activities.
  • Creation of joint research groups

kazNMU     Skyline University Nigeria (SUN), Kano State – Nigeria
  MOU Signed: July 27, 2021
  Scope of Collaboration
  • Student, Faculty and Staff Exchange Program
  • Joint Workshop, Seminars, Conference and other academic activities
  • Exchange of Information and Joint Research Projects
  • Information Exchange
  • Academic Program Reviews
  • Boot Camps

kazNMU     Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, I.R. Iran
  MOU Signed: May 26, 2021
  Scope of Collaboration
  • Exchange and publish jointly prepared scholarly periodicals & books.
  • Exchange of experiences in various scientific, academic and research fields which may cover sharing of facilities, equipment’s and matching research grants and publications.
  • Professors, students, researchers and administrative staff exchange.
  • Joint Workshop/Seminars on Medical Education and Research.
  • Joint specialized conferences, Seminars, Workshops, Training Courses & Public lectures.

kazNMU     Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University, Kazakhstan
  MOU Signed: April 05, 2021
  Scope of Collaboration
  • Lectures on Selected topics from Faculty as Guest Speakers
  • Students, Faculty and Staff Exchange
  • Joint Workshops/Seminars on Medical Education & Research

UHASSLET 1     Jiangsu University, China
  MOU Signed: March 08, 2021
  Scope of Collaboration
  • Facilitate FUI Faculty in pursuing PhD study at JSU

UHASSLET 1     Istanbul Aydin University, Turkiye
  Specific Agreement on Students Echange: June 14, 2022
  Cooperation Protocol: Feb 14, 2023
  Renewed : Feb 09, 2021
  Letter of Intent Signed: Feb 28, 2019
  Scope of Collaboration
  • Visits by University delegations.
  • Short term Faculty and Student visits.
  • Joint seminars and workshops.
  • Short term courses/ programs.
  • Life-long learning or certificate program

UHASSLET 1     Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Belarus
   MOU Signed : Jan 27, 2021
  Scope of Collaboration
  • Faculty, Students and Staff Exchange Programs
  • Joint Research and Publications
  • Lecturing, Trainings, Conferences and Consultancy Services
  • Joint Educational Programs to promote academic mobility

UTP     Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia
  MOU Signed:  Sept 08, 2020
  Scope of Collaboration
  • Student Mobility
  • Staff Exchange
  • Joint Advocacy
  • Joint Research

NAU     Naresuan University, Thailand
  MOU Signed:  August 17, 2020
  Scope of Collaboration
  • Exchange of Students and Faculty Members.
  • Joint Seminars/ Training Workshop.
  • Exchange of academic and research material.
  • Joint Research project

UHASSLET 1     Bournemouth University (BU), UK
  Letter of Interest Signed: March 11, 2020
  Scope of Collaboration
  • Recognition of FUI programmes allowing advanced entry to corresponding programmes.
  • Joint conference and other opportunities to work together.
  • Students such as placement or summer schools.
  • Other potential collaboration or partnership arrangements.


  Beijing University of Technology, China
  MOU signed:  March 11, 2019
  Scope of Collaboration

  • Students Exchange Program.
  • Joint Educational Activities, Seminars, Conferences, Training, Workshops (online) and research collaboration including Research Projects.
  • Resource Sharing
  • Summer Camp with Chinese Languages Certificate
  • Future Joint Campus
  • Joint Research Project and Funding

UHASSLET 1     Addendum to MoU with Hasselt University, Belgium
  Renewed: Dec 12, 2021
  MOU signed: Feb 20, 2019
  Scope of Collaboration

  A delegation from Hasselt University, Belgium visited Foundation University, Islamabad on Wednesday, February 20th, 2019. Two Addendum to MoU has been signed in the disciplines of Engineering and IT and Rehabilitation Sciences to spur the growth of institutions and to enhance the learning opportunities for students and faculty in terms of Exchange of Faculty Members/Ph.D Students, Joint Research Project, Joint Seminar Training/Workshop


  Hasselt University, Belgium
  Renewed: Dec 12, 2021 
  MOU signed:  June 22, 2018
  Scope of Collaboration

  • Exchange of faculty members and students on a reciprocal basis.
  • Joint Seminars/ Training Workshops
  • Supervision and Evaluation of PhD Thesis Research work
  • Research Collaborations

BEDFORDHIRE 1     University of Bedfordshire, UK
  MOU signed: July 30, 2015
  Scope of Collaboration
  • To develop an agreement allowing students from Foundation University Islamabad to progress to programs of study at the University of Bedfordshire in different academic areas.
  • Development of closer academic links.
  • Development of collaboration in the areas of student exchange, staff exchange, research and access to reference materials.