FUI Students Competing In The NUST's Idea Comeptition Called Finding Innovative And Creative Solutions For Society (FICS)
ORIC, FUI has joined hands with Corporate Advisory Council (CAC), NUST to promote social entrepreneurship among the students of FUI through a competition called "FUI Students competing in the NUST's Idea Comeptition called Finding Innovative and Creative Solutions for Society (FICS)". NUST has pooled up FUI as a partner University to allow its students to compete. "FUI Students competing in the NUST's Idea Comeptition called Finding Innovative and Creative Solutions for Society (FICS)" is a competition to promote Social Entrepreneurship and creation of products and services by the students to benefit communities and Society. Currently students can register following the link, https://fics.nust.edu.pk/register/student/. The idea submission stage is in progress and the deadline to submit ideas is Wednesday, 15th Dec 2021, midnight.
Students from within one department or different departments call pool up to make a group and register an interdisciplinary team.
Please find out more details such as FAQs, application process, eligibility, etc at https://fics.nust.edu.pk. For focused guidance, please speak to your HoD to know more or get in touch with Mr. Abdul Moeed, Manager I&C, at 051-111-384-111 ext 114 or manager.ic@fui.edu.pk
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